The residents of Marchington are very lucky to have a wonderful community shop http://www.marchingtonshop.co.uk/, and the Dog and Partridge is proud to be listed as an official fundraiser.
The shop is supported by a dedicated group of volunteers who are its lifeblood, each giving of their own time and without whom the shop would not be so successful.
It offers a range of goods, many sourced from local suppliers including meat, dairy, bakery products and grocery essentials. Delicious seasonal treats are eagerly anticipated at Christmas and Easter, and in the summer months bedding and perennial plants plus compost etc. can be found for sale in the courtyard. There’s also a comprehensive selection of wines to choose from, including light easy summer drinking to more full-bodied choices. You can even drop off your dry cleaning to save having to drive into town!
So, if you have called into the Dog and Partridge for lunch or a drink and realise that you have forgotten to buy that essential item, do call into the shop to see if they can help. You’ll be made very welcome!